Friday, November 6, 2009

Heyy, happy weekend everybody! What will you do this weekend ?? Going out with friends, chilling or maybe at home studying ?? Ya, it's all depend on each person, hehe. For me, I think I am going to PTC again. Yap, after accompany my mom to the clinics to do some therapies. I want to buy some magazines, dvds, and rings for my 'mamah' birthday's presents. And I wanna check out Red Mango's stores at PTC, that my friend told me about (I don't think it is, because I know that the only Red Mango's store at Surabaya just at TP.Hehehe. Actually, some of my friends offered me to go with them. But, I don't know if I can, because first I don't have any money to chilling at some coffee's shop like Starbucks bla bla bla. And second, I don't think that my parents will allow me. So, ya just see =p Today, I just wrote some posts on my blog (yeah, MTV EMA reports too!! =p). And edited my computer's tasks blog. Hehe, yapp, I used a new skins for it :) And as usual, check out some sites, and today I checked 2012 and MTV 16 AND PREGNANT For 2012, just checked out the trailer and the 'supporting sites'. Haha, there're a surviving lottery, haha so unique, and of course, I joined it .. hehehe. Ahh, can't wait for 2012 movie premiere! In Indonesia (based on the schedule) will be out 13th November. Huft. And for MTV 16 AND PREGNANT, I just interesting with their ADS on MTV, so cute and insinuate .. haha. And yeah, if you're 16 and pregnant, that will be so ashamed =p And yesterday, I watch MTV ADS with Spongebob, geez, soo cute >.< I love Spongebob so muchh!!! XD XD XD And I just downloading Photoscape, eventhough this is my auntie's lappy, yaa it'll be her luck then =p

Red Mango's Fro-Yo, look how delicious it is!

Yesterday, one of my friends told me that outbond is sucks. But one other, told me that outbond was really2 great. What the heck !? So, which is true ?? And my friend texted me yesterday, told me that they were eating soup, a bad one, a 'not so delicious' one. Haha, that's your destiny people ! *how evil I am! =p*

Ahh, d*mn, my body. Soo fat! And it has a lot of craps. I don't know why if I'm just 'touch a strong things a little', my body will blue. Ahh, crazy body! And my neck is pain now, and yaa, I asked one of my servants to massage my neck. So d*mn hurt!

Omg, Joe's new hair so cool! He looks so gorgeous and d*mn sexy! OMG OMG OMG JOE JOE JOE JOE JOE JOE JOE JOE JOE!!!! This is it :

Look how cute he is!! omg, Joe, I adore you soo much!!! (on MTV EMA 2009)

Ahh, if I go today, I'll take some pictures for my fb's primary. My primary now is sucks! Just like a guy! And yeah, dumbly, I got 5 friend requests (OMG JUST FIVE ?! my 1st got 34, hell -.-) and it was all girls! OMG, I'm a girl you know, not a boy! OMG OMG OMG.

I read a newspaper this morning, and read an article about Deteksi. And there were 20 finalist of Red - A model competition. Omg, the finalist from Santa Agnes (if I'm not wrong =p), is 185 cm tall! OMG! She's taller than me and she's only 15th! OMG, wondering how tall she was when she was 14th, just like me. I searched her on facebook, ya I found her, but she not yet confirmed, ya just waiting, because I'm curious about her tall and her weight =p hahaha.

Ok, start from here, I am using a polite Indonesian. Haha, just a lil' bit complains =p Terus terang, gw kecewa banget sama kualitas bioskop di Indonesia. Bagaimana tidak, film2 yg diputar kebanyakan film2 'jadul' yg sudah turun tayang lama sekali di Hollywood sana. Dan kebanyakan jg film2 tidak bermutu, yg seharusnya tidak perlu diputar di bioskop. Film2 bagus yg masih 'fresh' dan memang mempunyai kualitas yg layak 'mampang' di layar lebar, hanya dijadikan sebagai 'pajangan' gedung bioskop semata dengan sematan title COMING SOON, yg nyatanya tidak COMING SOON jg, hanya midnight, itupun langka kalau midnight. Ya, gw tahu bahwa UU sekarang memang kesannya lebih 'mengatur' daripada LSF dulu, tapi bukan berarti hal tsb membuat kecewa para penikmat film di kancah tanah air bukan ?! Kita tidak mau membayar sebesar 25 ribu dan duduk di depan layar lebar selama kurang lebih 2 jam hanya untuk menonton film2 yg bisa dikatakan 'seadanya'. Kita ingin menikmati film2 yg memang pantas untuk dinikmati. Bukan berarti kita menuntut yg tidak2, ini hanya aspirasi kita sebagai pecinta film. Berkata bahwa kita harus mencegah dan menjauhi piracy, tapi kalau nyatanya film2 yg diputar seperti ini, bagaimana tidak mungkin jika kita tidak mengambil 'jalan pintas' yg memang lebih murah dan lebih praktis dan 'fresh' untuk menikmati film2 yg memang benar2 layak untuk ditonton?? Jadi ujung2nya juga kan ke piracy bukan ?! Pernah ada teman gw yg bilang, kalo bioskop2 di Indonesia hanya mementingkan segmen keuntungan dan pangsa umum. Ya mungkin, itu jalan terbaik, namun bukan berarti yg cepat tayang hanya film2 yg 'menjanjikan' bukan ?! Belum tentu film2 yg dikatakan akan mendulang banyak keuntungan akan menjadi begitu menjanjikan (contoh : Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince). Dan begitu juga kebalikannya, bukan berarti film2 yg dipandang sebelah mata memang jelek, bisa jadi sebaliknya! Dan tadi pagi, gw sangat shock waktu buka dan melihat jadwal Now Playing di Jakarta (meskipun gw orang Surabaya, tapi gw selalu melihat jadwal Jakarta, karena truthfully bioskop2 di Jakarta memang lebih 'update' daripada di Surabaya), betapa kagetnya gw waktu melihat ada poster dan judul film Penelope di list paling atas. How come?! Penelope itu film tahun 2008 tepatnya bulan February. Gw aja udah nonton dvd-nya sejak setahun lalu. Keliatan banget kan, 'SEADANYA'. Come on, we want our rights to watch the best quality of movies!!

I think today's end here, so bon voyage :)


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