Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hii world! Miss you all! Fof first, HAPPY SUNDAY AND HAPPY WEEKEND!!! Yesterday, I went to Primagama, and asked a lot of things about that 'bimbel'. And I was looking for monthly end's result of my friends (ya, some of my friends are practice in there) and the score was hell bad! Hahaha. Ok, my parents told me, "SMP aja pake bimbel2 segala, iya kalo SMA! Udah ga usah bimbel2an! Buang2 duit aja!" WTH ?! Ok, truthfully, gw bimbel tuh supaya gw lebih 'dicambuk' sedikit, ya because you all know that I'm so lazy to study, right ?! And I don't think it's just me, everybody else do! Hahaha. So, kalo ada bimbel, mau ga mau gw harus pergi bimbel 3x seminggu, masing2 around 2 hours, di-drill soal2. Right ?! Bukannya nonton dvd, baca majalah, or yeah OL. I just can't hold my self to do all of that things, I love it! So, it might be the best solution right ?! =p Because, accidently, gw bener2 ga seberapa ngerti basic-nya, ya that's all because of my formers 7th and 8th grade teacher, yg ngajar gw ga bener =p. Ya maybe hambatannya cuma di transport dan waktu aja. Gw kan ga pinter ngatur waktu =p
After went to Primagama, me and my parents accompanied my mother to the clinic, finish, we went to PTC. Geez, ya I know it's satnite, that's because PTC was full of couples! Hahaha. Jadi iri ngeliatnya, JOJOBA (Jomblo Jomblo Bahagia) sih =p Tapi bener2 sangat disayangkan, koko2 di Sby muka standart-pasaran-pas2an, kebanyakan gaya, banci! Ngga kaya koko2 Jkt and Bdg, so damn fierce!!! Tapi di Sby masih ada yg mending kok, koko2 'cosplay' yg ketemu waktu di DetCon kemarin XD LOL And, I went to Trimedia, bought some UNAS exercise book (for exactly, I bought two, mathematics and sains, each reach around 50.000k, emane rek, mending buat beli apa gitu, swt ah -.-). I wasn't allowed to buy English or Indonesia exercise, because my scores were good enough in english (around 8-9) and for Indonesia, honestly, GW GA NGERTI SAMA SEKALI! Haish, udah bacaannya banyak, jawabannya mirip semua pula ! -.- JOH! And I bought LOOKS >>15k (gw ga dapet LOOKS Nov'09, no stock, kehabisan, padahal covernya itu GG loh, ada Chace :() and Shop&Shop Dec'09 (eww, gw ga suka bonusnya, tau apa ?! BANDO! Udah gitu PINK lagi !? You know that I hate that stuff right, especially STUFF IN PINK! Harganya naik lagi, jadi 20k., but I heart the cover, it's so damn fierce!) and Namaku Miiko! #1-4 and Yakitate Ja-Pan! #14 >> each 15k, ahh akhirnya kebeli juga tuh Miiko >.< style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0); font-style: italic;">semenjak bulan kemarin, ICE* kok ga nongol ya ?! The rest, covernya doang menarik, tp gw ga seberapa suka isi dan formatnya =p Gw juga beli bday's present buat my lovely friends, but I won't publish it here, ntar kalo anaknya baca kan ga seru tuh =p And one thing that I always tell you, I WANT TO BUY A LOT OF THINGS, BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY IN MY WALLET! And, gw ubah sekarang, I WANT TO BUY A LOT OF THINGS, BUT I CONFUSE, WHICH ONE MUST I BUY ?! Udah punya uang lo ?! Hahaha hell yeah! My aunt that came from Kalimantan and just go back there yesterday, gave me 500.000k! Damn thanks!!! >.< style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">watched 2012 (AGAIN, this is the 2ND time ok! Udah durasinya lama, bikin capek duduk di bioskop, bete! Iya kalo New Moon gitu gapapa, gw masih bisa punya pemandangan segar -baca: Jacob Black and Edward Cullen-, nah ini !? Hiburannya cuma ferrari, lamborghini, bentley yg nyangkut di pesawat, and itupun jadi 'ringsek' gara2 pesawatnya landing ga karu2an, huft -.- Bete ngeliatin orang2 jatuh dari gedung, gelantungan di gedung yg mau roboh sambil menunggu ajalnya, that's hillarious baby!). Ya that's all because of my parents! Hah! Nonton Ninja Assasins ae kenapa ?! Buat apa buang2 25k hanya buat nonton film begituan TWICE ?! -.- O ya, I met BTX and CC too there, BTX asked me to accompanied her to bought the present for XXX (I wont' publish it here, she's the same gurl as I the gurl I bought her a present) hahaha. And, I didn't eat anything for dinner, just eating random JCool Couple with topings as usual (choco chips, almond, and longans). But, sial, mas2 yg ngelayanin gw kemarin tuh bener2 DUMB! Masa longans mau diambilin kiwi, trus nyari choco chips lama banget *he was starring on all of the toppings, and he still couldn't find where the choco chips were -.-* Udah gitu, kalo ngasi pelit lagi. Hoh, rugi saia. Keliatan banget tuh dia 'trainee' -.- After that, my father saw a Roxy's gladiator on Point Break's etalase, and he told me about that. So damn fierce! Udah mau dibeliin sih, cuma nomornya kurang gede sedikit T.T. Ah bener2 nasib punya kaki panjang minta ampun, susah banget cari sepatu!! Iri sama orang yg kakinya 'normal' Hanya ada 2 kemungkinan, gw cewe keturunan bule (sama kaya Cinta Laura, kaki dia jg panjang =p) atau gw bukan cewe. Hahahaha. Oh ya, just for information, SOUR SALLY will open at PTC, besides Naughty (near Hypermart), for exactly ex. Axis' counter.
Ok, today, I've a lot of things to do. I just finished read all of my comics that I bought yesterday, and 2 magz, dvds, UNAS exc book, and UAS are still waiting for me! Ok, ini semua gara2 UAS!! Ga selesai2, sucks! Udah paling telat, paling banyak, paling ga worth it (bayangin, senin ga ada UAS, malah masuk seperti biasa, pulang setengah 2, don't you think that much time enought for us to study ?! WTF!). Pokoknya, after I finish my UAS, FREEDOM IS MINE! I will do anything that I want do, enjoy christmas and new year bla bla bla.
My mommy still tell me to accompany her to her friend's wedding party. Ok, that's sucks. Doesn't she know my condition right now ?! I'm so busy darling! And 2 next day, I'll start my UAS again! And the most important thing, I don't like to go to the party, because I don't like to dress up like a freaking doll -and hell ya of course, I don't have anything 'appropiate' to be wearing- and I don't like to make up! OK ! And now, I'm in very2 bad condition, I have a lot of craps because of that ichyness, and I'm quite fat right now. OK, FAT! Don't you get it ?! That's the condition you must know about me!
OK, Friendster now is transforming. Memang sih, lebih gorgeous daripada yg dulu, tapii, I think it's more complicated and weird. Don't ya'll think so?!
OMG, I'm sick with my hair! I want to cut it out! Maybe, rebounding it or use hair extensions. I want my hair just like her!
Why didn't I write all on English?? Because I don't think that all of you can understand my broken grammar, broken vocabulary, or just can I say MY BROKEN ENGLISH ?!
Ok, I think today's end here, see ya next week (maybe), and wish me luck for my final test! ;)
Labels: diary ♥